সদস্য হতে চায়
পৃষ্ঠার ঠিকানাটি ক্লিপবোর্ডে অনুলিপি করা হয়েছে।
অর্থ : Strip.
উদাহরণ : Unclothe your heart of envy.
অর্থ : Take the covers off.
উদাহরণ : She unclothed her innermost feelings.
অর্থ : Get undressed.
উদাহরণ : Please don't undress in front of everybody!. She strips in front of strangers every night for a living.
সমার্থক : discase, disrobe, peel, strip, strip down, uncase, undress
Provide with clothes or put clothes on.
Put on clothes.
Unclothe meaning in Bengali (Bangla).