অর্থ : The state of the sky when it is covered by clouds.
সমার্থক : cloud cover, cloudiness
অর্থ : Gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover.
সমার্থক : cloudiness
অর্থ : A long whipstitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling.
সমার্থক : overcasting
অর্থ : A cast that falls beyond the intended spot.
অর্থ : Filled or abounding with clouds.
সমার্থক : cloud-covered, clouded, sunless
অর্থ : Sew over the edge of with long slanting wide stitches.
অর্থ : Sew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next.
উদাহরণ :
Overcast books.
Overcast meaning in Bengali (Bangla).