অর্থ : Sell or discount.
উদাহরণ :
Negociate securities.
অর্থ : Transfer by endorsement to another in return for value received.
উদাহরণ :
Negociate a bond.
অর্থ : Succeed in passing through, around, or over.
উদাহরণ :
The hiker negociated the high mountain pass.
সমার্থক : negotiate
অর্থ : Confer with another in order to come to terms or reach an agreement.
উদাহরণ :
The parties negociated all night.
অর্থ : Discuss the terms of an arrangement.
উদাহরণ :
They negotiated the sale of the house.
সমার্থক : negotiate, talk terms
Negociate meaning in Bengali (Bangla).