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Meaning of word universal from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

universal   noun

Meaning : (linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic feature) that is found in all languages.

Synonyms : linguistic universal

Meaning : (logic) a proposition that asserts something of all members of a class.

Synonyms : universal proposition

(logic) a proposition that asserts something about some (but not all) members of a class.

particular, particular proposition

Meaning : A behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all members of a particular culture or of all human beings.

Example : Some form of religion seems to be a human universal.

Meaning : Coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions.

Example : In motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps.

Synonyms : universal joint

universal   adjective

Meaning : Of worldwide scope or applicability.

Example : An issue of cosmopolitan import.
The shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time.
Universal experience.

Synonyms : cosmopolitan, ecumenical, general, oecumenical, world-wide, worldwide

Meaning : Applicable to or common to all members of a group or set.

Example : The play opened to universal acclaim.
Rap enjoys universal appeal among teenage boys.

Meaning : Adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations.

Example : Universal wrench.
Universal chuck.
Universal screwdriver.

Universal meaning in Bengali (Bangla).