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Meaning of word physical from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

physical   adjective

Meaning : Involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit.

Example : Physical exercise.
Physical suffering.
Was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance.

Involving the mind or an intellectual process.

Mental images of happy times.
Mental calculations.
In a terrible mental state.
Mental suffering.
Free from mental defects.

Meaning : Relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy. Especially physics.

Example : Physical sciences.
Physical laws.

Meaning : Having substance or material existence. Perceptible to the senses.

Example : A physical manifestation.
Surrounded by tangible objects.

Meaning : According with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter).

Example : A reflex response to physical stimuli.

Meaning : Characterized by energetic bodily activity.

Example : A very physical dance performance.

Meaning : Impelled by physical force especially against resistance.

Example : Forcible entry.
A real cop would get physical.
Strong-arm tactics.

Synonyms : forcible, strong-arm

Meaning : Concerned with material things.

Example : Physical properties.
The physical characteristics of the earth.
The physical size of a computer.

Physical meaning in Bengali (Bangla).