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Meaning of word indeterminate from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

indeterminate   adjective

Meaning : Not precisely determined or established. Not fixed or known in advance.

Example : Of indeterminate age.
A zillion is a large indeterminate number.
An indeterminate point of law.
The influence of environment is indeterminate.
An indeterminate future.

Synonyms : undetermined

Precisely determined or limited or defined. Especially fixed by rule or by a specific and constant cause.

A determinate distance.
A determinate number.
Determinate variations in animals.

Meaning : Having a capacity for continuing to grow at the apex.

Example : An indeterminate stem.

Not continuing to grow indefinitely at the apex.

Determinate growth.

Meaning : Of uncertain or ambiguous nature.

Example : The equivocal (or indeterminate) objects painted by surrealists.

Meaning : (of a quantity) having no definite value, as an equation that cannot be solved.

Example : 0/0 is an indeterminate form.

Meaning : Not leading to a definite ending or result.

Example : An indeterminate campaign.

Indeterminate meaning in Bengali (Bangla).