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Meaning of word amply from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

amply   adverb

Meaning : To an ample degree or in an ample manner.

Example : These voices were amply represented.
We benefited richly.

Synonyms : richly

To a meager degree or in a meager manner.

These voices are meagerly represented at the conference.
The area is slenderly endowed with natural resources.
meagerly, meagrely, slenderly, sparingly

Meaning : Sufficiently. More than adequately.

Example : The evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions.
They were fully (or amply) fed.

Synonyms : fully

To a meager degree or in a meager manner.

These voices are meagerly represented at the conference.
The area is slenderly endowed with natural resources.
meagerly, meagrely, slenderly, sparingly

Amply meaning in Bengali (Bangla).